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TEMA: Job opportunities at MRG Europe - Budapest

Job opportunities at MRG Europe - Budapest 15 años 6 meses antes #139

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We would like to call your attention to two job openings at MRG Europe Budapest office:

Job No. 1. Head of Europe and Central Asia Programmes/Managing Director, Minority Rights Group Europe

Details see below

Job. No. 2. Media Officer - Hungary

Details see below

Deadline for applications: Monday, 26 January 2009.

We consider fully completed application forms emailed to ildiko.magyar@ before the deadline.

Full application pack can be downloaded from www.minorityrights. org

No telephone or email enquiries please.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified about the date and time of the interviews.



Title Head of Europe and Central Asia Programmes/

Managing Director, Minority Rights Group Europe

Reports to Director of Programmes, Minority Rights Group International

Minority Rights Group International is the leading international human rights organisation working to secure rights for ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous people around the world. Minority Rights Group Europe is MRG’s regional office supporting its work in Europe and Central Asia.

A : Purpose of the job

The purpose of the job is to help Minority Rights Group (MRG) achieve its aims and objectives through the effective management and development of the Europe regional office, planning and implementation of regional programmes and projects in conjunction with regional partners and contacts.

MRG’s ECA programmes are currently focused on the Western Balkans and the European Union, although further regional focuses are planned. Two new programmes focusing on Central Asia/South Caucasus and the Council of Europe Framework Convention on National Minorities are designed but not yet funded.

B : Main duties and responsibilities

1. Staff

Responsible for staff working on MRG programmes working in the regional office, currently one Programme Officer, one Press Officer and one Programme Assistant, for occasional interns and volunteers working on relevant issues, and for authors and consultants commissioned to produce reports and deliverables.

2. Planning

Plans the programme of work in the region within the objectives set by the Director of Programmes.

3. Programme Activity

1. Assesses and monitors the regional priorities for MRG within the focus set by the Council, and in line with regional developments.

2. Empowers minorities in the region to act as advocates in their own cause through advocacy at international fora, research initiatives, and education and training projects.

3. Develops and maintains partnerships with local partners in the region to meet programme and publication objectives.

4. Networks with international and local NGOs and other stakeholders active in the region.

5. Coordinates delivery of ongoing programmes as well as plans and designs a future programme of projects on minority rights and thematic issues within the region, which involves overseeing and undertaking:

· Design and running of training events

· drafting research and publication proposals

· supporting partners to carry out advocacy nationally and internationally, and produce materials and do research to educate and inform and challenge prejudice

· investigating and implementing new ways to build organisational capacity of partners

· carrying out advocacy in person and in writing about minority rights issues within the region.

6. Develops and establishes ways to disseminate the results of MRG research and experience within the region, including:

· the development and maintenance of a regional database of contacts

· liaising with NGOs in the region to maximise local outreach potential

7. Monitors the delivery of all programme activities to schedule, to quality and content as described in funding applications and to budget. Evaluates the outcomes and impacts of the programmes.

8. Liaises with programme donors, involves and nurtures them, drafts narrative reports and reports on any changes to the programme and the regional and in country networks.

9. Ensures that all activities and scripts in the regional programme include and

are sensitive to gender issues and that MRG’s gender policy is implemented throughout all work involved in the region

10. Ensures that effective monitoring of progress on all activities and programmes in completed and that staff reflect and learn from experience, and share this learning across the organisation

11. Contribute to MRG’s strategic discussions, assess how regional programmes are contributing to MRG’s overall strategy, together with relevant staff review any gaps and how these might be addressed.

4. Financial

1. Responsible for drawing-up operational and regional project budgets and matching expenditure to approved budgets.

2. Responsible for office financial management, liaison with accountant, auditor, tax authority and other authorities as required.

3. Responsible for financial reporting on operational budgets and programme budgets.

2. In liaison with MRG’s fundraising team, responsible for the funding of regional programme and project activities including:

· identifying potential donors

· writing and submitting funding applications, including budgets,

to donors

· maintaining positive relations and dialogue with donors and partners

· reporting to donors in line with their requirements

5. Administrative

1. Prepares annual public benefit reports

2. Liaises with the organization’ s Supervisory Board

3. Ensures that organizational records and files are in line with requirements

4. Liaises with lawyers and others as required

6. Provides advice to and liaises with

1. Director of Programmes on the integration of the regional programme with the global outreach of the Programmes Department.

2. Other MRG staff e.g. funding, finance, publications, legal, media and advocacy

3. Consultants, authors and interns working on contract on regional issues.

4. Minorities, affiliates and partners within the region, and NGOs with an interest in the region.

5. Donors and funding agencies for funding of the regional programme applications and report-back requirements.

6. General

Undertakes such other tasks as may reasonably be requested by the Head of Programmes from time to time. Attends staff and departmental meetings as requested. Contributes to the evaluation of MRG activities and publications. Covers for absent staff on related work as necessary. The geographical region covered by the job holder may need to be varied from time to time.

7. Confidential information

Responsible for maintaining confidentiality as the job holder will be entitled to a very high level of access to confidential information pertaining to MRG's strategies, detailed financial information, and also access to sensitive external information which may impact on MRG's activities.

8. Degree of supervision

The job holder will be expected to report to the Director of Programmes any deviations from agreed plans and schedules, and to report monthly on the programme and projects’ progress.

9. Working conditions

The job holder will be based at MRG's office in Budapest, Hungary, although travel in the region(s) covered by this post will be essential for approximately 6-8 weeks per year. The job holder is required to maintain the pace of work which at times may be high, working to strict time pressures and managing several tasks simultaneously.

Although the primary purpose of this post is to coordinate and carry out MRG’s work in Europe and Central Asia region, the post holder may be required to work partly or wholly on other areas of MRG’s work. This is to allow MRG to move staff away from work which is unfunded or underfunded or is no longer a priority for the organisation, to work on areas which have more funding, are growing or which are understaffed. This will normally involve the post holder in carrying out tasks similar or identical to those listed in this job description but applied to different programmes or projects.

This is a full time position based in Budapest, Hungary, starting from March 2009

December 2008



Head of Europe and Central Asia Programmes/

Managing Director, Minority Rights Group Europe

A. Education and Knowledge


· Educated to degree level in international law, international relations, development or other relevant subject or equivalent relevant work experience

· Good knowledge of the region including recent economic, political and social developments

· Good knowledge of international human rights instruments and mechanisms


· Detailed knowledge of minority rights situations arising in the region and knowledge of networks of relevant interested individuals and organisations

· Knowledge of international and regional instruments relevant to minority rights

· Knowledge of international development (methods, debates, institutions)

B. Experience


· Three years’ work experience in the field of development and/or human rights

· Two years’ experience working in, or in work relating directly to, the region

· Two years’ experience of managing a team of staff, including recruitment, training, supervision and mentoring of staff

· Two years’ experience of project management, to include consultation, planning, project design, monitoring, implementation, evaluation, and reporting.

· Two years experience of drawing up and controlling expenditure against significant budgets

· One year’s experience of work in the voluntary or NGO sector

· One year’s experience of raising funds for projects from grants, governments and/or international funds including maintaining relationships with donors and reporting to donors.


· Experience of working on minority or related issues

· Experience of advocacy and lobbying work

· Experience of work in training, workshops, publishing or media activities

· Experience of living and working in several areas of the region

C. Abilities and Skills


· Good judgement and maturity

· Ability to prioritise work, meet deadlines and plan administration of large events, projects and programmes

· Ability to stay calm under pressure and to assess and absorb information quickly

· Computer literate and knowledge of Word for Windows, Excel, internet and e-mail packages

· Good communication skills, including good written and spoken English

· Either a working knowledge of Hungarian or a demonstrated ability to learn a foreign language reasonably quickly.

· Ability to maintain confidentiality

· Ability to gain the confidence of members of minority communities and of the diplomatic community; good diplomacy skills with diverse groups of people

· Ability and willingness to travel throughout the region for up to 8-10 weeks per year as required

· Ability and willingness to be self-servicing within the organisation


· Working knowledge (spoken and written) of any other languages widely spoken in the region

D. Personality


· Commitment to the aims and objectives of MRG

· Demonstrated interest in international affairs, human rights and development issues

· Commitment to gender equity and ability to implement MRG’s gender policy

· Enthusiastic about working in a multicultural environment and committed to equal opportunities

December 2008

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Job No. 2. Media Officer – Hungary - Job Description

This post will implement MRG’s global Minority Voices, MDGs and the EU Media project in Hungary and other EU member states primarily in Central and Eastern Europe. Overall the project aims to increase and improve the coverage of minority and indigenous issues and stories in the EU media. One strand of the project involves training minority and indigenous activists in the South on how to collect information and present it in ways that will attract journalists working for EU based media outlets. It also includes a webportal offering journalists a quick and reliable way of identifying possible stories as well as publications and media work in the EU. This post will be responsible for taking these resources and using them to achieve media coverage primarily in Hungary and other Central European states. It will also involve taking some individual journalists from these states to the South to carry out research trips and organising one major conference on minorities and the MDGs in Budapest and other smaller events.

The post will be full time, will be based at MRG Europe in Budapest. The overall project will be managed by MRG’s Director of Policy and Communications who is based in the London office, many day to day decisions about priorities will be made by the Director of Policy and Communications, however the postholder will be line managed by the Head of Europe post who manages the Budapest Office. The postholder will also need to liaise very closely with MRG’s media, website and publications staff based in London.

Main duties include:

1. Research and maintain contacts with locally based journalists – primarily in EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe – particularly those supplying EU media outlets.

2. Identify and respond to media opportunities relevant to MRG’s work, within the overall framework of MRG’s aims and objectives;

3. Write and distribute press releases;

4. Translate press releases generated from other parts of the project into Hungarian (and if possible other language spoken in the region).

5. Develop and maintain media contacts primarily in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe;

6. Draft text for updates for MRG’s website.

7. Produce items and text for MRG’s monthly e-bulletin. This includes identifying relevant topics for inclusion, writing short pieces, developing and maintaining the circulation list with relevant contacts in the region. Possibly contribute to the production of audio and visual materials to be used on the web hub and in podcasts (e.g. during trips see item 9).

8. Organise press conference, publications launches and at least one major conference including planning, logistics, elements of budgets, travel, visas, venues, interpretation, materials

9. Identify and nurture particularly high profile and respected journalists primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, develop their interest in minority rights and facilitate trips for such journalists to travel to the South to meet with minority partner organisations to generate influential media coverage in important media outlets. Accompany these journalist on these trips as needed.

10. Maintain and update the marketing, publicity and media database records. Ensure good detailed records are held of all media coverage appearing as a result of this programme in the region.

11. Handle requests for permission to reproduce and/or use MRG copyright materials

12. Undertake other tasks and responsibilities as delegated by the Director of Policy and Communications. These may include, among others, contributing to the evaluation of MRG’s work, including publications.

13. Respect and work towards full implementation of MRG’s Gender and Equal Opportunities Policies in all the work involved in this post.

14. Although the primary purpose of this post is as described above, the post holder may be required to work partly or wholly on other areas of MRG’s work. This is to allow MRG to move staff away from work which is unfunded or under funded or is no longer a priority for the organization, to work on areas which have more funding, are growing or which are understaffed. This will normally involve the post holder in carrying out tasks similar or identical to those listed in this job description but applied to different programmes or projects.

D: Confidential information

The post holder is responsible for maintaining confidentiality since s/he will have access to confidential information pertaining to MRG’s strategies and finances, and access to sensitive external information which may impact on MRG’s activities.

E Degree of supervision

The post holder will be expected to work in consultation with the Director of Policy and Communications, reporting to the Head of Europe with monthly work planning to set priorities, and reporting meetings.

H Working conditions

The post holder will be based at MRG Europe in Budapest. The post holder will be required to travel to the South to accompany journalists but will also need to travel to other locations within the EU to attend conferences and meetings. The post holder is required to maintain the pace of work which is at times high, will need to work to strict deadlines and the ability to react quickly to external events.

MRG is a self-servicing organization.

MRG is striving to be an equal opportunities employer.

Person Specification

1. At least 2 years experience as either a journalists or a media officer or similar post with a particular focus and successful track record in achieving coverage in national media – preferably also international media
2. This experience should include work with print, radio, TV news and documentaries as well as if possible work with new online media. If no actual experience on one or more of these, show a well developed understanding of each of these media and how to access them and how they differ.
3. Experience of organising event with international participation
4. Some experience of project management, budgets, logistics, monitoring, planning and evaluating.
5. A good knowledge of minority and indigenous issues as they are covered in the media.
6. Ability to work in multicultural teams
7. Knowledge of gender issues and willingness and ability to mainstream in all work.
8. Ability and willingness to travel
9. Excellent interpersonal skills, ability to network and nurture contacts
10. You will need to have fluent written and spoken Hungarian and English. Any other languages spoken in EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe would be a distinct advantage.

Yours faithfully,

Ildiko Magyar

Programmes Assistant
MRG Europe
H-1016 Budapest, Berc u. 13-15.
T: +361 2795769, F: +361 2795772
E: ildiko.magyar@
W: www.minorityrights. org

Minority Rights Group International: Working to secure the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide.
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